ClipBuddy helps you avoid spending hours editing and repurposing videos. Create captivating short clips that leave a lasting impression on your audience with the help of AI
Create a new project: Log in to your ClipBuddy dashboard and initiate your project.
Upload your content: Directly upload video files from YouTube, Vimeo, or from your computer.
Download your clips: Our AI curates and edits your content, delivering engaging clips ready for download.
Auto Curation: Select the most captivating moments from your videos, eliminating the editing process and ensuring that you always leave a lasting impression on your viewers.
Auto Captioning: Identifies key moments and adds dynamic, viewer-catching captions that hold attention and enhance engagement.
Resizing: Automatically adjusts to the ideal 9:16 ratio, ensuring that your videos shine across all screens.
Transitioning: Enjoy seamless transitions between visuals and audio, curated by our AI for smooth, professional-looking content.
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